I slept OK last night, and true to form the orthopaedic consultant came round to check on progress.
I could still manage to move some pus by pressing on the wound, but there is a very tender area on the bone that seems very persistent. He hoped that the ultrasound would reveal something.
Rose came at 9:30, and organised a walk in the corridor. She even brought my dressing gown from home so I would look decent. We managed well, although it was quite tiring, and even did a repeat performance later. I have a feeling this will be a daily occurrence. Rose also came bearing cheese and onion crisps (chips for my US followers), as the hospital has no more!
We had a nice chat, and finished the Bradley Wiggins book. Rose left at 3 and shortly thereafter I went for the ultrasound.
It was not very informative, and I will be interested to see what the orthopaedic consultant makes of it. The radiologist said "there are no organised collections of fluid". There is fluid, but not a collection in one particular place. I cannot seem to force more pus out either, so the next step will be interesting.
Whilst I was in ultrasound, Pete arrived to visit. I'm afraid he had to wait half an hour, and so his visit seemed too short to me. Should have worn a tie with the jacket IMHO, but he no like.
Later on, both Babs and Marilyn arrived to visit at the same time! Babs brought a still from fiddler on the roof with a speech bubble of Tevya shouting "Remission". We had a nice chat, Marilyn has just been to Rome, and a great time; the weather was kind for February.
Thanks to Colleen for the card that arrived today.
All in all, a quiet day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Two women at one time - you must be feeling perkier! It was nice to meet Marilyn and I loved the banter - certainly cheered me up. My quote for the day is from the psychotherapist Virginia Satir - We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth. I am sending you and Rose mega hugs. Take care Lol Babs