Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Some rest and recuperation

Today has been a good day. I slept more then I would expect last night, hooked up to oxygen (bit stil only 2-3 hours). This morning the nurse helped me to get out of bed into the chair, and I was able to have a little wash and change of pyjamas. One consequence of sitting up straight is that it helps the fluid drain from the lungs. Of course the downside is it also flows to your feet, ankles, legs. My legs became very tight.

Harry came to visit, but halfway through I thought it would be better to get back in bed, so the fluids were a bit more balanced around the body.I was still able to breath with just the nose mask, and in fact right now I have no oxygen assistance. When Harry left I managed 2-3 hours of quality sleep whilst lying back. Once the blog entry is finished, I may try same thing again now! I still feel exhausted.

The ongoing strategy is to complete the annihilation of the bug, drain the fluids, keep BP at least 100/60, and then see about the left leg. I am very low in strength, but I think if I had both legs now I could walk by myself (remember I am an optimist!). As it is I am totally reliant on nursing care and the buzzer. 

Today was definitely a rest and recuperation day. I hope the transition to the night shift is as good as yesterday.

One of the casualties of the incident is my appetite. I am having trouble with the food taste, even the pea curry. I hope things will improve as I get my nausea contol program back in shape. As I write, I only managed a third of my dinner. I will top up on enshakes.


  1. Looks like the bl***y French were in an ambush! Hang on, we'll get them in the end !

  2. Hi Ian, what a rollercoaster ride you are having, (but not one you would volunteer for obviously!). It sounds weirdly as if you have "lost" your left leg, but presumably it has been implicated in the infection you are currently battling with? Hope the antibiotics are really kicking in now and you feel better today. Sue
