Monday, 14 February 2011


I hope you'll excuse the title, but it somehow seems appropriate, and it is still the main topic for my blog ...

I slept well last night, the diarrhoea seems to be beaten, but they will of course finish the course of metronidazole. This is all right and proper, but a bit annoying since today it has finally caught up with me and made me feel a little nauseous (its common side effect).

The orthopaedic team called this morning, and the consultant had another go at my leg. I rather like him (comes over as smart, decisive, experienced), but he seems to lean toward sadism a bit too much for my liking! He manipulated my foot, flexing it hard whilst pushing on the tender area and pus flowed (you could see movement at least). He pronounced that I needed to to do this exercise as much as possible, and they will be back again tomorrow to see how I am doing.

Rose arrived later, and we tried to do some standing squat exercises. I say we, of course I mean me! I cannot say it was a roaring success, but I can weight-bear on my bad leg a lot better than yesterday. I think I managed 4 down-and-ups. I have also walked to the loo a few times - surely this is enough? At least pus seems to be draining steadily, if somewhat slowly.

Rose bought me a Valentines card :) I am afraid I was not able to reciprocate :(

I had pasta from the hospital kitchen for lunch, but in addition Rose also went out for a take-away pizza from Ask just over the road. She got a seafood pizza, and although it did not taste 100% right, it was still pretty delicious, especially the doughy bits. A very nice treat. Since the diarrhoea has gone, I am safer to be around.

After the leg torture, the exercise, and the pizza, I was feeling tired, and fell asleep to Rose reading from Bradley Wiggins. I awoke as she was leaving. Rose is golfing tomorrow, and I wish her good luck.

This afternoon I watched the DVD of my Dad's story as told to UCL. I only cried right near the end, but very much enjoyed listening to him. We are lucky to have this record.

I have noticed there is a very strong 3G signal in my new room (4). I just tried BBC iPlayer, and it works pretty well! So my earlier failed efforts were really all down to the crummy signal I had.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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