The registrar has just called round (it is 17:40) to tell me that we have got some preliminary results from the MRI scan that are very interesting. It shows that I have an abscess in my leg. The abscess can only have developed as my White cells returned, but it has every indication that my old leg injury was indeed lying dormant all these years, to flare up now! Seems like I have not lost my analytical skills eh! They will get the appropriate specialist to drain the abscess (with a needle), and then analyse the infection so that it can be treated appropriately. Unfortunately, the MRI report has still not ruled out infection in the osteochondroma, but neither does it indicate there is any. This abscess is definitely "good" news, and I will report on progress.
This morning, I had the catheter removed. I was sure that the time was right, as most of the fluid has drained from my body, and my true weight has been revealed at about 80kg - I have lost 10% of my body weight since being here. The only slight concern is that whilst the catheter is in, the bladder forgets how to communicate to the brain that you need to wee. This communication must be relearned, otherwise you bladder just fills and fills! One technique to kick things off is to have a bath; which I duly did. The most luxurious experience I have had for a very long time. During the day I think things are going to be OK; not sure yet, but I have been 3 times!
For your delectation, here is a picture of my legs. Notice how little muscle tone there is on the right - I am a wreck!

Having got rid of the catheter, my mobility is improved. I now have crutches instead of the walking frame, which is far more dignified. Now I need to do more exercise, but there is still a lot of fluid around my left foot which makes articulating it very difficult. This fluid will clear with exercise, so I need to do as much as possible.
My blood counts are all returning to normal, except my haemoglobin remains low at about 8.5. The doctor does not seem concerned though. Tomorrow they will do the bone marrow biopsy to see if I really am in remission. This is the next big hurdle on the path of the leukaemia treatment, and I desperately hope that it will be good news; but they say it will take a week before we know for sure.
The only remaining nuisance is the diarrhoea
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