Tuesday, 22 February 2011

My first day at home

I have a feeling this blog may get rather dull over the next few days, as my life before ALL was certainly not interesting enough to blog, and it isn't now really!

Sleeping in our bed, with what seemed like impossibly luxurious pillows and bed clothes was very pleasant. We both woke for a couple of hours in the middle of the night and watched a documentary about obsessive bird watchers on TV; luxury!

Today Rose went off to play golf, and I amused myself watching TV, playing with the iPad and reading my book. I had a Domino's pizza delivered for lunch, and a lot of fuss with Brandy. I have to have a daily injection, and the hospital had arranged for a nurse to visit to administer it (I declined to self inject). The nurse duly arrived and the deed was done.

This afternoon I had a nap, and a hot bath (heaven), and we have just dined, somewhat early as Rose was hungry after golf (she came 4th, rather frustratingly missing a podium position).

I have some pictures of the drain, and my discharge. Here is the drain shortly after it was inserted. My leg is still very red:

Here is the drain a week later, as I was about to shower. See how much better the leg looks.

Here I am waiting in the discharge lounge:

Here are the drugs they gave me to take home:
I cannot really comprehend how many drugs I have had over the last 7 weeks. This stash is just for one or two tablets, mostly once a day! No wonder the drug budget of the NHS is so huge.

In fact, my stay in hospital has really brought home the reality of the multi-billion dollar health industry.


  1. Congrats Ian! Glad you are home and through the first phase. Can't say much about the legs though ...

  2. Nice legs!!! :) Soooo glad to see you smiling :D

  3. Welcome home. I think the optimism that shines through your blog posts is really inspiring !!
    Again wishes for a full and complete recovery.
