Friday, 18 February 2011

The drain just keeps on giving

I slept OK, and was pleased to see the orthopaedic consultant bright and early at 8:30. I thought that the drain was not doing much anymore but he had a squeeze and thought some more pus came out, so he thought we should keep it in for another day, ie today, and maybe remove the drain tomorrow. However, later on we changed the drain tube and bag, and pus flowed out! The orthopaedic consultant is going skiing tomorrow so it is probably the last I will see of him this time (I hope). We just changed the tube and bag again, and the pus is still flowing at a pretty fair pace. So now I am in two minds about removing the drain. I expect the ortho team tomorrow (minus consultant), but the registrar will have an opinion I am sure.

The orthopaedic consultant warned me that it is unlikely that all the infection will be gone from my leg before the next round of chemotherapy, and we can expect it will flare up again next time I am neutropenic.

Rose arrived, and we pretty soon we went for a walk up the corridor, this time I used a stick. It was quite tiring, but we made it OK. My weight was stable again today, which is amazing given the amount I am eating. Today I had a Sushi box, followed by fish and chips for lunch, a couple of packets of crisps, half and egg mayonnaise sandwich. I just ate macaroni cheese and yoghurt for dinner, I am about to have an en-shake as well. So many calories!

It was the day of the haematology consultant's round, and we chatted about my leg, home respite, and the next cycle of treatment. We discussed how to manage my bad leg, and he said they can give prophylactic antibiotics, but there is a risk that the bugs will become resistant. A fine balance needs to be kept! At least everyone knows about the problem now, and knowledge is power.

I need to get the drain removed in order to get out of here. But if it is removed prematurely, then pus will just build up again and we will be back to square one. It is frustrating that we don't know exactly what bacteria we are dealing with, and the haematology consultant said that even if the infection takes hold, we will only have a 50% chance of finding out what it is. (Remember that all antibiotics have been stopped to see what happens)

Rose and I tackled the crossword with some success. My mental capacity is definitely returning to full strength! After lunch, Yvonne arrived, sporting yet another new hairdo, and we chatted amiably for a couple of hours. The ladies left at around 3pm and I had a small nap.

This evening I am feeling a little under the weather. I don't know if it is because I have eaten so much, or because of my bad leg, or what. I think I need some anti-sickness drugs!

The carrot of home time is dangling in front of me, but the stick of draining pus is still whacking me in the backside! So these are slightly uncertain times.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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