Saturday, 19 February 2011

Drain town!

My ill feeling last evening was definitely due to the eating I did, rather than any real illness! I woke in the night feeling fine, and did some crossword clues, listened to music and played some bridge.

It is worth saying that iBridgeBaron has been a life saver for me. It is engaging and I hope has improved my play as declarer. I can't say the same for the bidding though. I switched to basic Acol but it still makes crazy jumps to slam, and bids 3 card suits.

At 8:30, the weekend orthopaedic team arrived. They don't know me from Adam, but we did at least discuss the drain. It is still draining fluid. The ortho doctor said he would be back to review in the morning. The haematologist registrar thinks we should take the drain out on Monday, and I am tempted to agree. If there is a problem, it is better that the full complement of staff are on hand to deal with it. So, for tomorrow as well the drain stays in. It is not really draining pus anymore, rather a lighter fluid. The haematology doctor thinks it should be allowed to drain, but the final say regarding removal belongs to the orthopaedic team.

At around 2pm my cousin Susan came to visit along with Lisa and Sarah. They brought take-out pizzas, and we ate together. (Mine in addition to the meagre repast from hospital catering I had eaten earlier). They also brought me an apple danish for dessert, more cheese and onion crisps, and some pickled cucumbers! We had a great time chatting away about many things; it was a pleasure to see them, if somewhat tiring! (In the nicest possible way) They left around 5:30.

Since then time seems to have flown. I feel rather full, but not sick and headachy like yesterday.

Time is dragging on now. Maybe I should try reading a book again, but I cannot seem to summon the concentration required.

This drainage interlude is an unwelcome but ultimately necessary delay in my treatment regime. At least I am in reasonably good health.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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