Saturday, 24 September 2011

T+93: Phlegm

For the last few days I have been coughing a bit of phlegm. Nothing that would even remotely concern an otherwise healthy person, but just to be on the safe side (and at Rose's suggestion) I rang the BMT clinic and told them about it. My tongue is also a little green! The nurse said she would talk to the doctor, and 10 minutes later they rang back and asked be to come in to the hospital to get checked out! They sent a taxi pretty quickly too! The doctor saw me right away, and she thought it was probably an infection (certainly not GVHD). She was very unconcerned about my tongue, but sent me for a chest x-ray to make sure my lungs were clear, and told me to double my antibiotic dose for 5 days (I take antibiotics every day at a low dose as a prophylactic). After being so well for the last week or two this is a little disappointing, but I hope it will prove to be short-lived.

Today I went on my very first demo march! The utility company Veolia is planning to build an incinerator in Hatfield, and we marched in protest. The weather was nice and there was a good turnout; there was much shouting and blowing of horns. Of course the real protest will be for all local people to write to the council and oppose planning permission, which we most certainly will do.

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