Thursday, 8 September 2011

T+77: Reduced ciclosporin

After clinic on Monday, they have reduced my ciclosporin intake again, down to 25mg twice a day. This is because the creatinine level in my kidneys continues to creep up, despite the reduction last week. Now I am seriously expecting GVHD to develop in some way, although my fingers are crossed that it will not.

They have scheduled an intrathecal procedure (lumbar puncture) for the end of the month. This is to kill any leukemic cells that may be lurking in my central nervous system. They do this post-transplant for reduced intensity transplants (as in my case), once every three months for a year. In the past, I have had some not very positive experiences of this procedure (it relies on the proficiency of the doctor), so I have asked for sedation. The regime of the second round of chemo (in April) called for one intrathecal per week, and this gave me very bad headaches, so I am a bit nervous about having more, but they assure me it is worthwhile.

Aside from these worries, I am well, and hopefully regaining my strength little by little every day. The nausea is all but gone and I remain optimistic (as ever). If only it would stop raining in New York so we could see some tennis!

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