Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Posting at home

Sorry there was no blog post yesterday, but sometimes it's hard to find the time when at home! It was an unremarkable day, the highlight of which was my walking into the town centre to the bank whilst Rose was playing golf.

My leg pain was actually caused by knee pain, which continues to be a nuisance. It is an old problem of mine, this left knee. Funny how leukaemia seems to bring out all my old conditions. I have had problems with this knee since my twenties, but it was never serious enough to,warrant any action. I very much hope it calms down again soon.

Today we are going to get Rose's car serviced while-you-wait. The weather is not so nice, so I guess we picked a good day.

I sent a heavily edited version of my Dad's obit tot the Guardian newspaper (a national paper in England). They have a section called "Other lives" on their on-line paper that has obits of non-famous people. You can read it here.

I have one more week at home; I go back to Ambicare next Wednesday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link to the obituary; a few words that say a lot.
