Saturday, 26 March 2011

My iPad has been stolen

... and I feel like a horses ass! I went to Ambicare as usual, and left around 11:30. I had the iPad in my zipped-up rucksack on my shoulder, but when I got home it was not there.

I called Rose, who logged in to and told me it was still in the vicinity. There were some policemen on the street (probably as backup for the march going on today), so I told them my dilemma. One of them took my phone, and Rose directed them using the web site. in the end, they came to the conclusion that it was in the hotel (yes, my hotel), and the police said there was not much they could do.

I filed a police report online, and I hope I will be able to claim on my insurance on Monday. But in the meantime, what to do? The only recourse is to buy another iPad. However, ipad2 only went on sale here yesterday, and nobody has them in stock. I thought I would be able to get a good deal on an iPad 1, but no. So I bought a replacement iPad 1, 3G but only 32gig this time. I never really needed 64. I walked all the way down Tottenham Court Road looking for the best deal, but ended up in PC World opposite the hotel! For my trouble I got a blister on my toe.

Rose brought her laptop in, and I upgraded the iTunes on it, then upgraded to iOS 4.3 on the new iPad, and then synchronised. I am more or less back where I was, just a couple of small apps and a book are missing, although you would think I could download these for free.

We wanted to wipe my iPad using MobileMe, but Rose's browser did not work on the site, so she called Yvonne who did the business, so many thanks Yvonne. I hope that my email account has not been compromised, and I am not intending to change it until something happens to make me. The thief only had the iPad for 20 minutes before we wiped it. Apart from the email account I don't think there was anything serious on it.

I intend to take more care of this one than the last one.

Health wise, I am still feeling OK. But I could do without this stress.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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