Tuesday, 22 March 2011


... or naval gazing as one might less charitably put it. Since I am so time-rich and health-poor, I have been doing quite a lot of it. I say health-poor, but even that is more complicated! Yes, I have leukaemia, but right now, I don't feel unwell. I feel like I am walking a tightrope; at any instant an infection can strike and then anything can happen. When I was in the hospital in January, and I became neutropenic, they would not even let me leave my room; now I can wander around London as I choose! Harry jokingly said today "so what, they want you to get ill?", and when I said this to the nurses they just smiled and shrugged!

With all this time, I am not pondering the weighty issues challenging humanity, like the purpose and meaning of life, curing Malaria without resolving food shortages, is all life worth preserving, is my life worth all the time an money being spent preserving it (that's an easy one). No, I have been agonising over such topics as what my favourite music is, or why I find cryptic crosswords so fascinating, but not sudoku and all its millions of derivatives (that could be because I am rubbish at sudoku of course), or why I like to play bridge and backgammon on my iPad, but not so much chequers.

The hubris of blogging means that I must share these thoughts with you. Not necessarily because I believe you will care, but just because I can! Oh, another weighty issue - just because we can do a thing, should we do it? Was it right to make the atom bomb (I love that term, so Doctor Strangelove)? When should morality regulate science? Whose morality? Or is there such a thing as absolute morality?

Time for a few rubbers of bridge ...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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