Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Today is a milestone on my journey - I have begun my immunisation program.

I remember very clearly during the week before my transplant the doctor telling me all about it, and what will happen. He told me that after the transplant I would have the immune system of a baby, and 18 months after the transplant I would be given all of the normal infant vaccines. I remember thinking that 18 months was a lifetime away ...

... and the day has arrived! Today I got 3 jabs (diphtheria, polio, tetanus, and a few others). Some require repeated doses, over the next 3 months. They do not give me MMR ("live" vaccines are contraindicated).

1 comment:

  1. I will always associate this time of year with your blogging about your experiences. It's great to still be reading about them :)
