Monday, 1 August 2011

T+39: My birthday

Yesterday was my birthday, and many thanks to all of you who wished me well and many happy returns. It was a quiet day, but a remarkable thing happened early in the morning whilst we lay in bed. A woodpecker came to the bedroom window, and tapped on the glass! He came back twice more, but flew off never to return when Rose fetched the camera!! It was really special to see; woodpeckers are rare enough in our garden, let alone one coming to the window.

We had an Italian birthday dinner - spinach and pesto lasagne followed by ice cream coupe. I had a glass of Chiante to accompany the meal, a 2004 Isole e Olena that was delicious.

Today was clinic day, and for the first time I went without Rose. Since I am feeling OK, there was not much to discuss with the doctor - I am pretty much on track. I am keen to know if I have to continue drinking three litres of liquid a day; they will phone this evening to let me know. Drinking three litres is difficult - basically I have a glass of something (water, tea, etc) every hour, with a couple of glasses over dinner and a couple of small energy drinks on top. The hours click over with regularity so sometimes it seems I am continuously drinking. It is definitely not natural drinking so much (and of course weeing all the time too).

I have been home for over three weeks now, and I think I am getting stronger with each passing day. They can perhaps start weening me off the immune suppressants a little bit ahead of schedule ... we shall see.

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