Tuesday, 28 June 2011

T+5: Oedema

I guess I have settled into a routine, and although it is not pleasant it is bearable. We humans are nothing if not adaptable!

Sleep deprivation is a key element. I have not had more then an hour's contiguous sleep, and I am unlikely to do better much before the donor cells engraft, which is at least another 7 days.

On the plus side, my stool samples came back negative for any bugs, including C-DIFF, so they have at last given me some loperamide (Immodium) to slow down the diarrhoea. Even so, there are sufficient procedures to keep me interrupted most of the night.

As the title suggests, I am still retaining fluid, pretty much evenly distributed, and my hands and feet have become very "sensitive" (it hurts to put my hands in hot water). My food regime is down to just yoghurt and ice cream, because my mouth has become very dry and the nausea puts me off eating anyway.

Rose came to visit, but I was again not such good company. It is nice to have her in the room to doze off with! The other day she brought her laptop so we could sync some photos. These are some of our early pre-digital photos that we got digitised by a bureau. It is not outrageously expensive, and it is so nice to see the old pictures.

This is a picture of the Vieux Bassin in Honfleur (France), with Rose very decorously in the foreground taken in 2000.

Honfleur is a beautiful town, with many good restaurants. It is funny to think that we would have paid for this trip in French Francs!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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