Thursday, 27 January 2011

A setback

Today I suffered a setback, but hopefully it will not lead me too far from the path ...

Yesterday my left arm started swelling, and it got worse today. This is the arm where the PICC line enters. When the doctor saw it, she sent me for an ultrasound to see if there is a clot, and unfortunately there is. The clot is above the PICC line entry point (with another superficial clot lower down on my forearm). So they are going to remove the PICC line today. In order to do this safely, I need platelets so that the wound will heal, and I am getting these as I write. Once the PICC line is out, they will take blood, analyse it, and dose me with the appropriate amount of anti-coagulant (fragmin). This should clear the clot. 

The PICC line is out. 

With the PICC line out, IV is administered via a cannula, now attached to my right wrist. The cannula can only go inwards, so to take blood I am back to the needle in the vein. And they take blood at least once a day! Furthermore, before the clot is dealt with, they can only use my right arm. It is a shame the PICC did not last, and my arms will be like pin-cushions, but as long as the road leads to remission it has to be worth it.  One other minor irritation is that the cannula is on my right, but the open space in the room is to the left of the bed. However when the clot is gone, we can either rehost the cannula in my left arm, or it might be the doctors think another PICC line is worth inserting, but this time it would be in my right arm. I will keep you posted.

The ultrasound experience was not great, because I had to leave my room. They gave me a mask, but I still was a bit nervous. And there was a screw up with the porters such that I waited over half an hour before they brought me back.

My kidney creatinine level is still a cause for concern, so in addition to the overnight saline drip, they have booked an ultrasound of my kidney to make sure it is just the chemotherapy that is causing it, and not some other underlying condition. This should happen tomorrow.

Last night I wrote a long email to the Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS) about the catering. They are supposed to connect me to the appropriate admin. As yet, no reply.

Rose came to visit at her usual time, armed with her laptop. She downloaded album covers for most of our albums and we sync'd to the iPad. In addition, I now have all our photos on here; still got 45G free! Whilst Rose was here, we got a request to review a new leaflet they are writing about the risks of refusing blood transfusions. Both Rose and I read and critiqued it, and I gave it back this evening. I think the author probably got more feedback than they were expecting! We also made a breakthrough on a crossword that has been festering for a few days, and watched an episode of The Office together on the DVD player. Our sharing a common experience was like a comforting return to normality for a few minutes.

Rose left when I went for the ultrasound. Back in my room, I was feeling a bit glum about it, but then John rang and the call cheered me up, as I finally managed to get my perspective back. Nobody said it was going to be easy!

Interestingly, although my mouth is sore, I can still comfortably eat curry (whereas salty things are uncomfortable); I hope this continues.

I am now waiting for the blood results and follow on treatment for the clot, which they assure me will happen today. The fastest turnaround I ever had for blood in here was 3 hours, so it will be a late night!

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