Today I get my second dose of mature lymphocytes (Donor Lymphocyte Infusion), because my last chimerism test showed a small amount of residual host T-cells. The doctor also ordered another chimerism test (to get another baseline) and a BCR-ABL test. The latter is to see if there are still no cancerous cells, and it is their policy to do this test every so often. I have rather mixed feelings about it, because if it shows positive then it is not good for me; I wonder if it is worth knowing! But then again, knowledge is better than ignorance I guess.
I am waiting for them to attempt to insert the cannula ...
We have had two unsuccessful attempts so far. The cells are here, in their liquid nitrogen container (very impressive). They unfreeze them in special hot water bath that is bubbling away next to me. I saw these before in Ambicare, and I always wondered what branch of modern medicine would require a hot water bath! Now I know; they unfreeze the cells and inject them as quickly as possible. Anyway, before I get the cells, I need to get the damn cannula inserted. When they find a good vein, it does not hurt, but it is uncomfortable when they miss ...
The cannula is in; at the fourth attempt.
After a long while, the container is opened and the bag of cells is put into the bath. The excitement is almost overwhelming! Not.
I hope this is the last DLI.